Mr Gulickx (en), MG Website Beeld selectie 01 CO personal

Personal and life coaching

I am part of the Nonons coaching institute. If by any chance my agenda is fully booked I am happy to suggest other coaches. We have a divers group of top coaches so that we'll always find the perfect fit for you.

Is this recognisable?

Want to learn to set your own boundaries? No longer want to be held hostage by your own thoughts? Or do you want to take those stress and burnout-related complaints as seriously as they deserve. Then there’s that feeling of constant restlessness because you can’t change your situation independently. This is only a small summary of the reasons why people like you choose coaching.

There are five steps in this process

  1. 1


    We start with the defining your goal. A clear goal consists of four elements. It is: attractive, urgent, measurable and achievable.

  2. 2


    We investigate your barriers so that you can become aware of them and learn how to deal with.

  3. 3


    You will investigate the available choices based on awareness. A choice always has three options: Can I change it? Can I accept it? Can I leave?

  4. 4


    What’s the action based on your choice? Celebrate the successes, whether big or small, that you achieve in the process of change and movement.

  5. 5


    A coaching trajectory ends when you've reached your goal or when you've built the foundations for you to achieve your goal yourself.

Proven results
Where do you want to go? That is what we determine first: your end goal. Sometimes a detour is nicer and gives you a more scenic route than the busy highway. It enables more insight into what is getting in your way and ensures that you can continue. With this insight, you’re not only able to define your goals but also achieve them, stand up for yourself better and relax more. Learn this, and the results will become permanent.

Talk, feel, do
Conversations form the basis of coaching, but we don’t just talk or get analytic. Experiencing, feeling things and taking action is a necessary part of everything. So I combine talking research with exercises and assignments. I link my intuitive working method to various known methodologies such as Voice Dialogue, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), NLP and transactional analysis (TA).

MG Website Beeld SQUARES selectie 01 persoonlijke coaching

Costs & disclaimer

The intake is free of charge and without obligation. On average, six sessions are required. The session rate is €150 (incl VAT) for individuals, the rate for companies who offer coaching to their employees is €250 ex VAT. NONONS has a special non-profit rate for the non-profit and cultural sector.

A scheduled intake or coaching session can be cancelled or moved up until two working days in advance. After this, the session is still charged.

Tip: Your company often has budget and room for personal development.

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Inspiration mail


"Because Maarten listens well, is honest and does not form a judgment, I was able to discuss my fears and thoughts without shame. He asked the right questions and gave a great overview."
Brian, personal coaching
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