Mr Gulickx (en), MG Website Beeld selectie 01 CO Career

career coaching

I am part of the Nonons coaching institute. If by any chance my agenda is fully booked I am happy to suggest other coaches. We have a divers group of top (career)coaches so that we'll always find the perfect fit for you.

is this recognizable?

I want change. But I do not know what kind of change, I do not know where to look and I do not know how to start.
I do not necessarily want to leave, but how can I get more satisfaction and pleasure from my job?
My job creates so much stress and pressure. I do not know what to do.
I want something else, but the financial security of my current job is not something I want to give up.
I’m a jobseeker but don’t know where to begin

It's a three step trajectory

  1. 1


    Through exercises, conversations and home assignments we get clear what your values, talents and conditions are. And how you can interpret them.

  2. 2


    This is the foundation for your own personal research in which we look at 3 options: Can you change the current situation? Can you accept the current situation? What are the possibilities if you are looking for another job?

  3. 3


    With the insights that emerge from this, you can then make conscious choices with regard to your work situation. Whether that is within your current work, or in a different environment.

I want change…
More than 70% of employees worldwide experience feelings of frustration with the work situation. What if your job is not your dream job, but you don't dare to let go of financial security… Perhaps you are unemployed and need help effectively taking a new path?

Your compass

Together we investigate what you are good at and what makes you happy.
What are your values ​​and passions? What talents do you have? Where are your ambitions? Which preconditions help you with this? At the end of the process you have a compass on the basis of which you can make choices for the rest of your life.

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costs & disclaimer

The intake is free of charge and without obligation. On average, 5 sessions are required. The session rate is €150 (incl VAT) for individuals, the rate for companies who offer coaching to their employees is €250 ex VAT. NONONS has a special non-profit rate for the non-profit and cultural sector.

A scheduled intake or coaching session can be cancelled or moved up until two working days in advance. After this, the session will be charged.
tip: Your company often has budget and room for personal development.

or fill in the form

Inspiration mail


"I was unsure whether I should leave my employer to fully focus on my freelance jobs. In four sessions I worked out different scenarios with Maarten, reviewed my range of tasks and made a plan of action. I can continue with this. "
Erica, career coaching
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